Thursday, February 28, 2013

姊弟倆 Siblings

My daughter and her brother
My daughter and her "sister"

那時候,我兒在UNM 唸書,住在姊姊家,我的女婿任AFBC 的青年牧師,帶領大學生團契。




It was when my son was going to UNM and staying at his sister's house, and when my son-in-law was the youth and college pastor of AFBC, one Wednesday night after the Bible Studies at their own house, my daughter immediately called me from ABQ to Toronto, with thankfulness and excitement.

"Mama, something big happened here tonight!  Eric asked 'that girl' tonight, and she said 'yes'!"
"Mama, she is a wonderful young lady, I am sure you will like her....."
"Mama, Eric is going to take her out for coffee tomorrow, and that will be their very first date."
"Mama, the two of them are still chatting in our living room, all other students have left already....."
"Mama, God has answered your prayers and He has greatly repaid you.... " 

I am thankful to my gracious Lord.

(Edited by Abby Chou)

Saturday, February 16, 2013

我妹妹小賢 My Sister Athena

My aunt and me, in Taiwan  (我姑姑和我,於台灣)

My aunt with her children and grandchildren, in the States (我姑姑和她的兒孫們,在美國)











感謝神!因祂的恩典、賜給我和妹妹信心滿滿地一同努力, 終於,爸爸和姑姑和好了。



I don't call Athena  "Biao Mei" which literally means "the superficial sister" as I don't call my mom's mother "Wai Po" which literally means "the outsider grandma".  

I rather call Athena “Mei Mei” as I rather do to my mom’s mother “Lao Lao”, which means younger sister, and, grandma.

Athena’s mother, my Gu-Gu, my aunt, was the only daughter of my grandparents and the only sister of my father. 

I never remembered my father being loving to Gu-Gu, somehow.

It happened that I also was the only daughter, and similar enough, had a lonely childhood. 

When I was 13 years old, I used to go to a girl's middle school by train, and the train station was right by my gu-gu’s house.  One day after school, I was so tempted to play with my two “younger sisters” that I walked toward Gu-Gu’s house right after I was off the station.

I will never forget how happy I was at Gu-Gu’s house, and I will never forget the consequence I had either!

Upon returning home a couple of hours late and reporting to my parents honestly, my father took a bamboo stick and whipped me so hard on my legs that they appeared all red and swollen.

It was a painful memory.

What really hurt were not my legs, but my heart which never dared to go to Gu-Gu’s house again.

Praise the Lord! Athena never gave up on me, from Taiwan, the States, Canada, and the States again.

Praise the Lord! Through His grace, Athena and I had worked hard together, and we eventually brought my father and his sister back to reconciliation.

Praise the Lord! Whenever I need a loving ear, my sister is there.

Thank you, Athena;  “Jie Jie” loves you.

(By Julia Chou)

Thursday, February 14, 2013

獻給我的情人 To My Valentine

September 2007, honeymoon at Banff, Canada for our 33rd anniversary (2007年九月於加拿大班芙 33 週年蜜月旅行)




























一個上午不知不覺地過去了,快要結束時我才發現,我們竟然沒禱告、也沒唱詩,but so what?有一首詩歌,已經在我心中;有一個禱告,已化為今晨的每一寸呼吸。 在這一切裏,我與祂、與他,一體!



Ten years ago for Valentine's Day, I wrote:

You are a ruler in the court, a vase for the temple; I am just the opposite, a drop of water to the ocean, a piece of cloud in the sky.

I love fish and you don't touch it. It actually doesn't matter that much, because you would still kiss me after I rinsed my mouth. The problem is, more and more things are showing that you and I are just different.

I enjoy eating a fresh radish with just a little salt and pepper. To you, radish(or daikon) are only to be cooked in a beef stew with soy sauce. Or, at least, it should be cut into very fine and thin pieces ( Well, the pieces are not supposed to be too fine either, you say) and then it should be put into some salt, then wait, then squeeze off all the juice, and then put into some soy sauce, sesame oil, sugar, vinegar, cilantro, green onions, and a bit touch of some fancy Chinese red chili sauce like Lao-Gan-Ma……

But, in time of sharing emotions, I became the one who is particular. I would cut up the giant radish, shred it, season it, well cook it, and then carefully present it to you with all my heart. And you, you would just simply repay and treat me with a whole raw daikon, blocking at the entrance of my heart.

I am not to complain, you see, for you have been remaining the same personality as you've always been, and that was just the way I used to like about you.

Every night as we take a walk holding hands in silent, upon each step treading the moonlight on the ground, I can almost hear my breathing and my heartbeat.

You love to take a long distance trip. As long as you have eaten and slept, you will complacently hold the steer and have no need for any conversation, until you notice some piteous woman is seriously staring at you. Then you would hold my hand, turn your face and smile at me.

"Isn't this great?” This is probably the longest sentence you would express.

How am I going to answer you? Once again, I surrendered in your simple and gentle love, and so let you navigate in silence as years go by.

But why was I not able to bear your used-to-be-so-charming-to-me quiet temperament when our  children were growing up and especially now when they had grown-up and gone?

The above paragraphs are part of an old article I wrote exactly 10 years ago in February 2003, “I Have Not Given Up Yet", which was published for Valentine's Day on World Journal Fu.

A lot of things I have out-grown with during the last 10 years, but one thing I never give up is to wait for my husband to invite me to do the daily devotional with him.

For my whole marriage life after he became a Christian, I have been yearning for a family altar to worship our Heavenly Lover together.

Yes, we do pray together at each meal, but that is different.

I used to share these thoughts with some pastor's wives, and their response was,"To have a daily devotional with my husband? Oh, I have long ago given it up! I would so rejoice if only my husband and I could get around without a daily squabbling."

Answers like this depressed me, but never devastate me.

Though never gave up, I did make a decision to wait patiently until he is ready to take the initiate. But something wrong with me and I asked him again a few days before this Valentine's day, and I said we should start from Genesis.

Upon my suggestion, he laughed.

"Genesis again?" He didn't seem to trust me at all.

"Take heart," I replied, in excitement, "this time we are not going to procrastinate……"

Before I was even done with talking, I started to regret again. Why should this happen again that I forgot he is supposed to be the one who leads? Well, at this point I will just have to shut up. So for many days, I never mention it again and he didn't say a word either.

Ok! I guess he just didn't care.

Saturday morning, I got up early, went to my computer, started to write my diary, and said to myself, "Why should I need him? I am satisfied with my Heavenly Lover.   So, there!"

When I was just concentrating in writing my "heavenly love-letter", a voice came and there my husband standing with his Bible。

"Come over here!" He said, "I thought we are going to start from Genesis today."


I immediately put down my diary and went over there with my Bible, facing him……

That morning, I quietly let him be the leader and everything.
That morning, he talked Genesis with intellectuality, rationality, and sensibility.
That morning, we enjoyed a best "in the beginning…", ever.

Time went fast, upon finishing, I noticed we didn't even sing or pray.  But so what?  A song of praise has been put in my heart, and a prayer in my breathing.  I was absolutely one with Him and with him.

Yep, I haven't given up yet.  I am not going to, and I don't have to.

That very morning, my Heavenly Lover and my earthly lover have both greatly satisfied my little desire. 

(By Julia Chou)

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

接受採訪 Being Interviewed

     This is the picture that dpmRadio put on their Facebook, taken in July, 2012  (這是倍恩廣播網放在Facebook上的照片,攝於2012年七月)





I usually don’t listen to my own recording of sermons or speech or anything.

Last month on the 28th, I was interviewed as a guest by a broadcast called Double Portion Ministry Radio; my husband listened to the radio and told me I was pretty good, but I never tried to prove he was right.

This morning while doing some other researches, I accidentally came across with this on Google;  I listened, and to my surprise, I liked it.

Enjoy!  I just did. :)

Also, I would like to express my appreciation to VJ, the hostess,  and Jolene, the producer; it was such a pleasant experience working with those nice young ladies.

(By Julia Chou)

Sunday, February 10, 2013

想家 Homesickness

Haven't received a lunar-calendar-new-year card for a long, long time, I guess it was this beautiful card that touched my 32 years' homesickness for Taiwan, my beloved home country (是這張美麗的賀卡,觸動了我思念台灣的 32 年鄉愁?)
All 14 of our children and grandchildren (including the #6 baby boy in my daughter's tummy), in Albuquerque, New Mexico on the first day of this Lunar-New-year, 2013  (包括那個還在女兒腹中的小Baby, 所有我們的14個兒女和孫兒女於今年農曆新年的第一天,團聚在Abuquerque, New Mexico)
With my parents, my daughter, and her family in 2009, Santa Clara, California
可能是因為今年農曆除夕剛好碰上一個星期六,也可能是因為我的寶貝媳婦兒寄來一張美麗又驚喜的農曆賀年卡,今年,我特別感受到一種 32 年來罕有的「不再放棄異鄉團圓過年」的熱情,與深切渴望。

昨晚午夜時分,即令四面一片靜悄、一無鞭炮,丈夫和我還是興奮地煮了冷凍櫃裏的最後一包水餃。 今晨,我對他說,下一個年除夕,我一定要先包好一桌子的白菜豬肉餃。而且,還要一面煮,一面吃,一面再繼續包.....





It might have been because this year's lunar-new-year-eve happened to fall on a Saturday, or it was because the surprising, beautiful lunar-calendar-new-year card that I received from my precious daughter-in-law, I have experienced a strong desire and passion, which I seldom had for the last 32 years, to celebrate on the Chinese New Year Eve regardless where I am.

Upon midnight last night, my husband and I cooked and ate up the last package of frozen dumplings and I decided, for the next Chinese New Year Eve, I am going to make a lot, lot, lot of delicious dumplings for my beloved ones, according to the sweet tradition from my childhood in Taipei, Taiwan......

Used to have proclaimed, "Taiwan my foster mother, Mainland my blood mother, Hongkong my own sibling."

Used to have proclaimed, "Unless I have a chance to visit the one who brought me up, I will not visit mainland, Hongkong, or any other place in the world."  

However, having crossed Canada and America, even visited a leprosy village in Southern China, still, the hour has not come for the land that nursed me.

So here I am, homesick, and miss my mother.
(By Julia Chou)

Friday, February 8, 2013

再見,跛腳兒! Good-Bye, Little Cripple!





見我青紫腫脹的腳滿是淤血,又聽醫生說這傷勢嚴重、 需時三個月康復,他開始越發體貼、對我倍加照顧。到了家門,他甚至彎下身來、背著我進屋………






到如今,腳傷未癒,我的心已一 片清明。



Much as being a child of God, I used to notice the side- effect of being put in the wrong by people because of my oppressed personality due to some early-age experiences of physical and sexual abuse.

Four months ago one Saturday morning, when I was just about to take a trip and go along with my husband and his sister to a church in San Diego, I injured my ankle.

Even though I knew I was badly injured, I silently allowed my husband to leave me alone and drove away with his sister.

Feeling very lonely and in pain, I couldn't help but started to recall all other painful memories in my marriage from my in-laws.

Three days later, my husband came back and took his wheel-chaired wife to the doctor.  He saw my look terribly bruised, inflamed foot, and he learned from the doctor that my injury was so severe that it would take at least 12 weeks to reach a potential recovery, he became totally different from the moment my ankle was injured.  He became so very nice to me.

I appreciated my husband, but I also decided to no more let go of my inside pitiful-little-cripple, as well as the curses that she had been bearing.

I knew very well that it all came from my own problems.

After a few days of contemplative prayers before the Cross of my Lord, grace came upon and the Holy Spirit touched me, I then was all ready to pray for my whole family of origin and my husband's whole family of origin. 

As Nehemiah the cup-bearer prayed for his people of Israel, I asked my Lord my God to please forgive each and every one of my family and his family.  I prayed for Jesus' precious blood to greatly cover and erase all the sins of these two families from many generations.

Hallelujah!  All of a sudden, I was carried by some great light and I felt completely free and released!

Up to this very moment, my ankle is still in the process of recovery, but my heart has become absolutely light and clear.

And, a decision has been made.

No more Little Cripple;  I, am the noble princess of my Everlasting Father!

(By Julia Chou)