Sunday, May 26, 2013

沙漠中的月亮 Moon In The Desert

我的最棒的丈夫周偉俊攝於摩哈維沙漠,2013年 5月25日
By my most wonderful husband Thomas Chou at the Mojave Desert, May 25th, 2013


忽然,丈夫的手機響了; 是我們兒子。 父子倆談了一會兒之後,兒子請他父親把手機放到擴音喇叭,他要媽媽也加入他們的談話。


加完油,丈夫接手開車,一邊專心傾聽他妻兒倆停不下來的談心。  這一次我們母子倆談話的主題,聚焦在家人、親友、以及各樣的人際關係上。

我的兒子深愛他的父母、他妻子的父母、以及所有兩邊的家人; 說到動情處,兒子的聲音甚至稍稍哽咽起來。


「嘿!」 我望著車窗外那一輪美麗的大月亮,想趁機把話題轉個方向:「兒子啊,你知道今晚是滿月嗎? 月亮好大哦!」

「是嗎?」 兒子聽了也興奮起來,「我去院子看看!」


並且兩人話題一轉,轉到 2000 年、他高中快要畢業的那年.........

那一年,女兒已結婚、住在外州,丈夫也已離開他牧養了四年的第一個教會。  有一天晚飯後,兒子從側院清理完三條大狗的「遍地黃金」,回到屋裏,我們三人一時興起、竟開了一夜車到洛杉磯的迪斯奈樂園玩了幾天.....




我也記得黎明前我們在休息站打了個小盹兒。 晨曦微露,兒子醒了,說一聲爸爸早媽媽早,然後他從後座伸過頭來親吻我。


「我幹嘛親他?」十六歲的兒子調皮誇張地大叫起來:「我們兩個人又不是同行戀!」 ( 在美國出生的兒子,中文還是差一點; 他的意思是同「性」戀。)

啊,完全同樣的一個滿月夜晚,完全同樣的一段沙漠公路,忽忽然13 年過去。



「媽媽,我感到蠻 amazing 的,您和我,此刻相距1000 哩; 一個在沙漠的公路上、一個在深山的院子裏,但是,我們兩人此刻正在欣賞同一個月亮!」




As our car entered the border of California and Arizona, my husband and I went off to fill in some gas and we saw a huge, full golden moon at the edge of heaven.

Then my husband’s cell phone rang and it was our son.  After they talked for a while, my son asked his father to turn on his phone speaker, for he wanted me to join their conversation.

“Mama, we just came back from Abby’s parent’s house.  We had dinner with them tonight…. ”

After filling in the gas, my husband took his turn to drive while listening to the usually-never-ending- conversation between his wife and his son.  This time we focused on the theme of family relationships and I could feel his deep love toward each and every one for his own family and his wife's family.  I could even "see" the tears in his eyes.

My son is indeed an affectionate person!

“Hey!” I intended to divert the subject, “Son, do you know it is full moon tonight?  The moon is so huge tonight!”

“Oh, yeah? Let me go to the yard and see…..”

Then there went my son holding his cell phone in his yard and I holding my cell phone in our driving car…… and my heart went back to February 2000 when our son was about to graduate from his high school in 3 months.

Our daughter was then already married and lived in another state, my husband had already quit his first church ministry and was temporarily unemployed.  One night after dinner, my son finished cleaning his three dog’s droppings in the sideyard and we all of a sudden decided to drive at night to Disney Land to have some crazy fun…..

I remember my son saying that this might have been the craziest thing our family had ever done.

I remember my husband and my son taking turns driving all night and they did not let me drive at all.

“We are chauvinistic, so we don’t allow ladies to drive,” my son smiled at me, “ladies can only be permitted to watch the moon and enjoy herself.” 

I also remember that we stopped at one rest area to take a short nap.  When it was dawn, my son woke up and greeted good morning to me and to his father,  he then reached from his backseat to kiss on my forehead.

When being asked to kiss his dad as well, my son acted up and "screamed" that he and his dad were not gay.....

Oh, as the same full moon brightly and gracefully followed all our way in the same desert last night, I suddenly realized thirteen years has easily flied by.

Now, my husband and I were heading for New Mexico to visit our daughter and her family, then we are to visit our son and his family in Colorado.

Since our son worried about our driving safety and he so couldn’t wait to see us that he had called us several times….

“Mama, I think this is pretty amazing that, though you and I are 1000 miles apart, we are now watching the exactly same moon!”

Ha!  Doesn't this sound like a verse from a famous poet Su Dong-Po who lived a thousand years ago in the Song Dynasty?

We wish each other well
So as to share the beautiful moonlight, though 1000 miles apart…..


Friday, May 24, 2013

永恆的舵手 The Everlasting Steerer

今晨收到講道舉證 網站寄來的一封電郵; 圖片以及標語,都令人驚心動魄!

「死亡,就像是我的車; 它載我去我要去的地方。」


「鹽、本是好的,鹽若失了味,可用什麼叫它再鹹呢?或用在田裏、或堆在糞裏,都不合式,只好丟在外面。 有耳可聽的,就應當聽!」 (新約路加14:34, 35)

「我今日呼天喚地向你作見證,我將生死、禍福陳明在你面前,所以你要揀選生命,使你和你的後裔都得存活。」 (舊約申命記30:19)



所以我親愛的弟兄們,你們務要堅固,不可搖動,常常竭力多作主工。 因為你知道,你們的勞苦在主裏面不是徒然的。」 (新約哥林多前書15:55-58)



I received an email from this morning;  both the picture and the motto are stunning!

“Death is like my car, it takes where I want to go.”

I recalled again the warning that Jesus stated to His people 2000 years ago at the west bank of Jordan River, and even 4000 years ago, Moses appealed to the Israelite at the east bank of Jordan River. (I have been quoting these two scriptures often recently while preaching:)

"Salt is good; but if salt has lost its taste, how can its saltiness be restored? It is fit neither for the soil nor for the manure pile; they throw it away.  Le anyone with ears to hear listen!" 
(Luke 1434,35)

"I call heaven and earth to witness against you today that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses.  Choose life so that you and your descendants may live…."
(Deuteronomy 3019)


No wonder the Apostle Paul also appealed

"Where, O death, is your victory?
Where, O death, is your sting?
The sting of death is sin, and, the power of sin is the law. But thanks to be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Therefore, my beloved, be steadfast, immovable, always excelling in the work of the Lord, because you know that in the Lord your labor is not in Vain." 
(2 Corinthians 1555-58)


O Lord, our God,
Our utmost and ultimate Lover in heaven,
You, You alone, are our steering wheel,
The only Guide of our life, from eternal to eternal!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

每一個人都等不及了!We All Can't Wait!

Our beloved almost-seven-year-old granddaughter   咱家將滿七歲的寶貝孫女兒


我們會先開 20 個小時、到新墨州的女兒家,去見女兒的第六個新生兒子。 在女兒家逗留數天後,我們 10 個人兩部車、開七個小時到科羅拉多州兒子家。

將會是16 個人的團聚; 好興奮!



My husband and I have planned a trip to see our 10 grandchildren, starting this Saturday!

We will be driving for two days to Albuquerque, New Mexico to stay several days with our daughter and her family, and to especially meet her Number 6 baby boy (our precious number 10 grandchild).

After that, all ten of us will drive for 7 hours from ABQ to Colorado to meet up with our son and his family.

It's going to be 16 of us all together in our Colorado Springs house! I am so excited!

Our daughter video-skyped us the other day, I saw on the screen our daughter, our son-in-law, and our 6 grandsons.  They all are so looking forward to seeing us, and I just can't wait to hold them, each one of them....... 

Our son also video-skyped us, I saw on the screen our son, our daughter-in-law, and our 4 grandchildren.  They all are so looking forward to seeing us, and I just can't wait to hold them, each one of them.....

Today, my daughter-in-law emailed and attached a letter for me, written by our six-year-old granddaughter.  

O my dearest granddaughter, guess what Grandma Lao-Lao will want to do while she is in Colorado with you?  She and Grandpa Lao-Ye will want to walk you and your brothers to the park and play there with you for a long time.....

She would love to listen to you play the piano.  Besides that, she will draw pictures with you,  do sleep-over party with you, and cook some Chinese noodles for you.....

She will also play with you in the yard, watch you gracefully ride the scooter and the bike......

O, she also would love to have some ice cream with you!  One more thing, she can't wait to watch you practice your Kung-Fu!

Ai Ni,
Grandma Lao Loa

Thursday, May 16, 2013

您的面光,我的渴望 Your Countenance, My Desperate

1980年來美國之前,我曾在台北市永春中學教了八年書; 這張照片攝於婚前,是我教書生涯的第一年。

(PS. 拍此照時,我全然不知身旁還有幾個悄悄擠進來搶鏡頭的可愛小蘿蔔頭,哈哈!)

I was a middle school teacher in Taipei at the same school for 8 years until 1980 when I came to the United States
(PS. While being taken this picture by another teacher, I had no idea there were some cute little ones squeezed in this frame)

Yesterday I went to see my parents.......


Once again I directed and made my dad act sweet to Mom; his arm was so tired, he said.
 O my poor dad......



十八年前,丈夫牧養第一個教會,有一次我去探訪一位不去教會的女士,她是一位心靈孤單的遺孀。 我離開她家之後兩天,信箱中躺著一張美麗的小卡,上面密密麻麻地寫了許多話,最後一句,她說:



我驚異那時我有她所說的「燦爛的笑容」,因為當丈夫和我牧養那第一個教會的時候,我相信他和我都可能患了抑鬱症。 記得有一回在 ABQ 和 Santa Fe 之間的山上、 Glorieta Retreat Center 一個洋人牧者退修會上 (因為那地方只有洋人辦的牧者活動,丈夫和我是那次退修會上惟一的兩個東方人),一位前輩洋牧師夫婦親切地對我說:



我的神知道,那四年的牧會,我滿腹的熱情未曾被接納、我滿腔的誠懇未曾被了解,因為,只因為一場無法解釋的車禍悲劇,曾經發生在那個教會,而且正巧是發生在丈夫被聘之後、上任之前的那幾個月之間。 悲劇發生後,教會內部發生了一些權力之爭,一直延續多年。



「回到中國後,我一直難忘這個美好的教會,尤其是周牧師和您, 特別是您那燦爛的笑容.......我從來沒有見過一個人有您那麼明亮燦爛的笑容!」


「我很喜歡妳的笑容; 妳講道的時候,整個時間都一直有笑容,而且妳笑起來特別好看,我很喜歡!」

一次又一次,我受寵若驚。 我真的不敢相信自己配得這樣的讚許與形容。



「後來妳長好看了,妳爸才開始喜歡妳。」 母親老是這麼強調。

其實,我爸喜歡我的方式讓我極度痛苦。 首先,為了我的「安全」,他不准我去參加任何我學校辦的戶外活動,包括任何學校郊遊以及女童軍露營。 我初中唸的是萬華女中,高中唸的是北二女中,除了去上學之外,我爸不准我去任何其他地方,甚至我家附近的台北市立圖書館,他都只准四個兄弟去,不准我去,因為,圖書館內的座位是不分設男孩女孩的。

還有,我一考上高中,父親給我弄來一個軍用的笨重大腳踏車。 從我們家住的金門街、到北二女中的長安東路,我每天騎車騎得大汗淋漓。 回想起來,可能父親也是不願我去搭乘那「會有男生坐我旁邊的」公共汽車去上學。

好在我初中上學是搭的火車; 棒極了的三年!

(不過高中那些年每天騎著笨重腳踏車行過大街小巷的經驗, 練就了我在馬路上穿梭的勇氣,以致後來我在台北永春國中教書時、每天騎摩托車上下班,在美國新墨州有了房子後、每天開一部家用的最大型卡車去公立學校Wilson Middle School 教書。 無論公路上馳騁、馬路上穿梭,都難不倒我。)



父親討厭我,母親沒時間疼我; 這些我都還能忍受。 然而最痛苦的是,我後來十三、四歲「長好看了」之後,爸開始喜歡我,媽卻開始嫉恨我。 一直到現在,情況仍是如此。

我媽嫉恨我的原因, 我終於在四年前、我六十歲那年想通了。


我相信,那時候不但媽不喜歡我 (因為我是電燈泡),而且四個哥哥弟弟也恨我 (因為我得到殊寵)。

但是,每一個人都非常清楚,我從來不敢說不去; 我若說我不要去,爸立刻會一個大巴掌打在我的腦後勺上。(感謝上帝,我爸這輩子從沒給過我一次耳光,他永遠是對準我的後腦勺猛力打下來。 感謝神,我的腦袋瓜被鍛鍊得愈來愈有彈性,將來不大容易得老人癡呆)。

還有,一個十多歲的女孩平常每天被迫留在家中、不准和任何同班女同學外出,卻偶爾被逼著去一些沒有一個小孩、全是大人的「歡聚」。 天啊,我的上帝知道,當時我是多麼羨慕我四個哥哥弟弟的自由!然而我卻要因此被我的手足妒羨、被我的母親嫉恨!


我寧可爸爸討厭我,我受不了媽媽以及哥哥弟弟們對我的態度。 我曾經大聲呼求神:



是的,母親經常告訴我說,我本來是很醜的; 她說,在我十三、四之前,她從來沒見我笑過。


因為我記得非常清楚,大約十三、四歲那年,我和我的四個哥哥弟弟睡在同一個房間的兩個上下雙層牀鋪 (其實,連房間也談不上,那只是一個日式房屋的穿堂) ,有一晚,媽媽經過我和小弟同睡的下層牀鋪,也許我當時對媽媽微笑了一下或是什麼,忽然她停下來站在我面前,對我說:





惟有您的笑臉,是我喜樂的泉源。 (詩42:5)


神啊,您已差派我、成為一個負傷的醫治者; 您必幫助我,堅固我負傷的弟兄,尋回所有那些屬於您的、笑不出來的迷羊!(路22:32)

神啊,萬軍之神啊,耶和華萬軍之神啊,求您使我們回轉,使您的臉發光,我們便要得救!(詩篇80:3, 7, 19)

Many people had told me that I have a bright smile.

Yet, until even now, my mother still often mentions that I was not capable of smiling for the first 13 or 14 years of my life.

Mom often told me that I was so ugly that my father never liked me until I was a teenager.

Also,  I have four brothers, my mother often told me that two of them were her favorite.  My mom was just too busy to show her love to her only and lonely girl at home.

Having not been able to exercise my smiling facial muscle for so many years, I used to wonder, would it be natural for my face to physically reveal the built-up bitterness behind my bright smile?

O God, my Lord, my soul I pour out to You.......My hope is in You;  I shall yet praise You for the help of Your countenance! (Psalms 42:5)

O God, my Lord, You have formed me and sent me as a wounded healer;  I know you will carry me through, and you will make me a vessel to strengthen my brothers! (Luke 22:32)

Restore us, O God, O God of hosts, O Lord God of hosts, let your face shine, that we may be saved! (Psalms 80:3, 7, 19) 

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

小園中,「鐵」樹開花 My Tough Aloe Flowered

綠滿窗前草不除 ( 草,暫不除; 籬,暫不補)
A big mess in my yard (both the weeds and the fence)


潔白的海芋,處處花苞擋不住; 翠綠的芥菜,滿坑滿谷。

嬰粟花,夾道迎風招展; 醡漿草,角落裏含羞微笑。

(既未撒籽,也沒栽植; 全自願軍也!)



Monday, May 13, 2013

主領我何往必去 Wherever You Lead Me, Lord, I Will Go!


From left,  Elder Chan,  Elder Guo,  Mrs. Guo,  Rev. Seto, (Mrs. Seto was still serving and not finished with the English congregation),  me,  and my husband

愛筵後離開教會,貼心的丈夫帶我開車兜了一會兒。 啊,我深愛的海灣、我深愛的舊金山

After the heart-warming love feast at SFGCC, my loving husband took me for a ride
Yes, my beloved Bay, and the City behind......

我欲乘風歸去?Thinking of flying?


身後的紅瓦建築,是神學院的學生餐廳。 至於我所站立的這個路橋、特有紀念價值,是十九年前、咱們十一歲的兒子和我每天從已婚學生宿舍騎車到圖書館去「上學」的必經之道。

We changed our clothes and shoes at the Golden Gate Seminary (noticed my cool shoes? my husband has one pair as well)

This bridge that I stand on is very meaningful to me.  When I used to home-shcool my 11-year-old son 19 years ago while we lived in the Seminary, my son and I biked every day back and forth through this bridge to the School Library.

Quite a few memories here, including the beautiful oil painting that my daughter did for the school while later she and her husband became Seminary students here in 1998.  Now the painting is still nicely hanging on wall in the main building of the Seminary. 


Crossing over this bridge, climbing some more slopes, there will be Students Center, Classes, Buildings, the Library, the city of San Francisco afar, and the beautiful shimmering blue water in view.....




雖然是第一次在SFGCC講道,但主任牧師司徒國毅牧師和師母是丈夫和我早在十幾二十年前於田納西Nashville, TN 參加美加浸聯會年會時、就認識了(那時候丈夫正在ABQ牧養第一個教會)。

六年前,當丈夫正預備離開牧養了一年的三藩市真光浸信會(SFTLBC)時,欣逢年輕的司徒牧師和師母初上任SFGCC 的主任牧師。



昨日聚會完畢臨走前,司徒牧師向我們分享他對SFGCC 的托負與異象; 我們三人立談良久。



Sunday, May 12, 2013

兒子寫給我的一首母親節詩 A Mother's Day Poem From My Son Eric

What can I say about my mother?
I have just the one and no other.
She labored and brought me into this world;
Whenever I was sad, in her arms I was curled.

She was my friend, she was my teacher,
Cheering me on from up in the bleacher,
Supporting me through each endeavor,
losing faith or hope in me — never.

So much time you devoted to me,
Put your career on hold, you worked for free.
A thankless job, however, it is not;
Your sacrifices won’t be easily forgot.

A mother’s heart I can’t comprehend:
Capacity for love, ability to mend.
Together we laugh, together we cry,
Sometimes not even knowing why.

Late nights talking and drinking tea
Around the dinner table, just you and me.
Well, Baba and Abby were there too
But it was extra special because of you.

To you I can always speak my mind;
Wisdom and encouragement I can find.
I called just to say, “I love you, goodnight”
But we ended up talking most of the night.

Thank you for all that you have done.
Raising me was tough, but I hope it was fun.
May the Lord bless you abundantly, I pray,
Through this poem to you on Mother’s Day.

Ai ni, Mama!  Happy Mother’s Day!


PS.  (1)

       科羅拉多州時間,近半夜 12 點,兒子來了電話:
       「媽媽,再過幾分鐘就是母親節了; 祝您母親節快樂!」  
       接著,他要我去瀏覽他和Abby 的博客。 
       Wow! 我的兒子為我寫了一首好美的母親節的詩! 


      真的。 要不然,我相信我們談到天亮還說不完。

PS.  (1)  English Translation:

It was near midnight Colorado time and my son called, “Mama, it’ll be Mother’s Day in a few minutes; So, Happy Mother’s Day!”

This is exactly who my loveable 30-year-old son is !

He then asked me to go visit Abby and his blog.

Wow!  My son composed a beautiful Mother’s Day poem for me, and he put a nice picture of his mother and his daughter!

Then we talked for hours, as usual…..

Our son’s appearance is as strong as his father,  and his heart is as sweet as his mother. 

I would say, his wife and his mother are the two most blessed women in this world. (Well, OK, his wife is more blessed. :))

OK, Son!  let’s call and talk again! (Our son hardly ever say bye or hang up the phone first)

If it were not that I have to leave home early and preach at a church in San Francisco tomorrow morning, I would be pretty sure we could easily talk until dawn.

  PS. (2)

One Response to a mother’s day poem {by eric}

Thank you, my son, this is so sweet and beautiful!
I am very touched, and feel so blessed, as always.
Raising you was indeed fun, a tremendous pleasure and satisfaction to me.
Though I thought I was pretty good :) , I want to say thank you for allowing me to continue to grow as a mother.
I also want to say thanks to Abby, your beautiful wife; she has inspired me a lot, from the first day.
Ai Ni, Ai Ni Men!

PS. (2)  中文翻譯:

我也要謝謝你美麗的妻子Abby, 從見到她的第一天起,我就得到許多的啟發。 
愛你! 愛你們!