Thursday, November 22, 2012

我靈歌唱 Contemplations of A Thankful Soul






Seasonal rain pours as I find myself once again awakened: a pleasant nightly routine as of late.

The only thing more distinct than the calming cadence of rain above is the pain from my injured ankle.  Unable to sleep, drowned in sensation, my mind wanders to the past.  I most often think upon the things I have said and done to my children, things I regret.

At night, I sometimes dream about these less than stellar interactions with my children; perhaps a mother's release, a silent confession.  These are often mixed with painful memories from my own youth and woven into a flowing tapestry of dark gray dreams.

Recently, when I wake from these nightmares, the pain of my past seems to compound the pain of my ankle.  Despite my suffering, leg elevated and throbbing, I can't help but be thankful.  Thankful to my Lord my God, in tears and full of praise I can but only exclaim, "Hallelujah!"

Only recently have deep repentance and genuine forgiveness both amazingly happened in my life.  Thankfully, grace came just in time and all a little before this season of Thanksgiving.

 Beautifully and Heartfully translated by my son Eric Chou, 
my cutest little sailor, in the pictures below

Sunday, November 18, 2012

正因為她不是我生的 Just Because She Is Not My Own

She and  her fiance
She and  her parents
She and  her wedding
She and  her husband
Her mother and her "mother"


許多人以為我深情,是因為我是在愛的環境中長大的緣故。其實恰好相反。從小,我眼巴巴望著我的哥哥弟弟們受母親之寵;婚後,又眼巴巴望著我的丈夫和他的兄弟姊妹們受婆婆之寵。 兩邊都沒我的份兒。一直以來不斷壓抑的委屈與不平,叫我幾度翻身不了那多年累積下來的苦恨。


然而,當恩典臨到、神的話語觸動我心,我立志不讓罪的咒詛與鎖鍊、一代一代地承傳下去 (出埃及記20:5)

七年前,兒子婚約的聖壇上,我剛巧被安排在新娘身旁。當牧師為他倆禱告時,我情不自禁伸出右臂,輕擁著這位即將成為我媳婦兒的美麗新娘。就在那一刻,我以順服與愛,全然接納了她成為我兒子的骨中骨、肉中肉 (創世記二章23)




在這節經文裏,主耶穌完全不是要我們恨自己的親人,祂乃是要我們察驗自己的「愛」。祂要我們透過操練,在靈裏面勝過 (或超越) 那些天然的、自私的、屬血氣的、邪惡的愛。




(此文節錄並改寫自拙文「正因為她不是我生的」,原載於2012 7月份基督教號角月報我心我家欄)

One of my favorite things when staying at my son's house is watching him be so loving to my daughter-in-law!

I am an affectionate person and people often assume that I was brought up in an affectionate home.  However, I very seldom felt loved by either my own parents or later by my in-laws.  For much of my younger life, I felt bitterness towards them.  I struggled to let go of feelings that I had been wronged.

Both my mother and mother-in-law had similar hurtful memories from their parents-in-law.  They were never able to overcome these feelings and this bothered me, severely.

Prayerfully, grace came upon me and the Word of my Everlasting Father touched my heart.  I decided to break free from the chains that the curse of sin had bound me in and end the cycle of grievance for me and the generations to follow. (Exodus 20:5,6)

Seven years ago at my son's wedding, I was arranged to stand by the bride at the altar.  When the pastor started to pray for them, I couldn't help but reach out and embrace the beautiful bride who was soon to become my daughter-in-law.  It was at that moment that I completely accepted her as "bone of my son's bones and flesh of my son's flesh." (Genesis 2:23)

Of course it takes great affection to genuinely and consistently love a child which is not of blood relations.  It may not be as natural as loving a child of your own, but through the discipline of trust and obedience, the relationship will eventually shine like a diamond; more precious, more valuable and more pleasing to the heart of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Jesus says in Luke 14:26, "Whoever comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, yes, and even life itself, cannot be my disciple."

In this verse, Jesus is not asking us to despise our life or our beloved ones; rather, His desire is for us to examine our "love"; He wants our heart to overcome or surpass those fleshly, selfish, all evil kind of ways of love.

It is truly our Lord's will for us to not be selfish or over-protective and to not abuse the relationship of our very beloved ones.  And ultimately, through the precious blood on the Cross, I know we can love even those who are not loveable or whom we are not able to love.

My daughter-in-law is not a child of my own indeed, but she does have some parents who gave birth to her and will definatetly get hurt from how she is being treated by other people ;  that is why I am asking God to grant me more love so that I could treat her with more affection than even my own son.

Today is Abby's birthday and I want to say, "have a great one, Daughter!"

By Julia

(Edited by Eric Chou)

P.S.   This post is a brief re-composition from one of my published articles which you can find in the July 2012 issue of Christian Herald Monthly

Saturday, November 10, 2012

辦家家酒 Playing House


我呢,本來是一個滿懷熱情、不吐不快的小女子, 遇見他之後,也變得不怎麼愛說話了。 







「小華,妳變了!」 她說,「愛情使妳變得深沉婉約.......」




My husband is quiet, he was even quieter when he was younger.

I, on the contrary, was very passionate and always had some thoughts to share, but was then quiet down soon after I met him.

One beautiful day in a golden autumn, we spent almost the whole afternoon just sitting on a big pile of crisp fallen leaves in the wood without really saying anything.  

Then as I concentrated on some little cloud in the sky, he all at once bashfully handed me a piece of maple leaf, on which in blue ink neatly he wrote, " Silence is all the better than voices." 
Up to the day we put our wedding ring on each other's finger,  he and I never did have any deep communication before or during our courtship. 

But at that time, I didn't mind at all!

Yet like two little kids, having offered our oath over the altar, we seriously and wholeheartedly started playing house.  He didn't use many words, I gladly tried to satisfy him in silence; he seldom spent time with his friends, I couldn't help but starting giving up mine one after another as well.

One day, an old friend from high school came to see me and dropped me a note a few days after she left.

"You have changed, my dear," she wrote, "love has made you so quiet and not easy of  approach....."

I knew I had changed, I knew our life wasn't normal, nor healthy.  And yet, I loved him so much; and in his love, I was completely satisfied.

What was the matter?

Before I could figure it out, I conceived our first baby that God had prepared for us........

(By Julia Chou)

Thursday, November 8, 2012

公公的憤怒 The Anger of my Father-In-Law

Art work by Calla Chou, my granddaughter








之說法,也沒唸過舊約申命記二十四章所記載的「新娶妻之人,不可從軍出征……可以在家清閒一年,使他所娶的妻快活」,更全然沒聽說過使徒保羅所教導有關「夫妻分房」的道理 (哥林多前書第七章)








其實,我寧願相信公公是愛我的。最起碼,在我初遇他的那一天以及在他猝逝之前的第三天; 那兩次,我都深深感受到他對我的關愛。






這時,一向最受公公寵愛的么女、我的小姑 (她是公公所指定給我的那天婚禮上的扮娘) 沒有立刻起身;只聽見她像平常一般地撒嬌道,唉喲,都已經這麼晚了,大家都好累喲,不要再弄什麼香瓜汁了吧,明天再打給您喝就是啦!





One evening in a midsummer,he all of a sudden made a proposal to me.

We were at a little park near the airport when he pointed with his finger at a United Airplane which was just launching toward the West.  His voice sounded rather like he was making a command.

"I want you to go over there with me! " he said. 

In those days, almost every young heart in Taiwan kept an American dream.  But I have to honestly admit that I had no intention to become an American citizen at all.  In addition, I so loved Taiwan, so enjoyed my teaching job, and so in love with all my teen-age students that I  just couldn't leave this very country of my own!

When he saw I was shaking my head, he suggested that, after the wedding, I stay in Taiwan by myself while he lives with his whole family in the US, and I may leave Taiwan whenever I am ready.

This suggestion didn't sound right to me either.

I was not a mature Christian at that time and didn't know the Bible well.  I never heard of "do not mismatch with unbelievers", or "newly married man shouldn't go to the war field, instead, let him be at home for a year and make his wife's heart happy", or anything how husbands and wives should treat each other in a biblical way regarding their sexual life.

Hadn't even heard of  "premarital counseling"!

The only thing I knew was, to get married means to stick together.  If people want to get married and yet decide not to live together, then why bother with getting married?  Maybe he and I were just not ready to get married yet.  So I then offered my suggestion.

"Why don't you go ahead move to the US and live there with your parents, then whenever you are ready to get married, you come back and marry me."

I don't know how he went home and discussed with his parents.  Anyhow we got married not long after.  A month after the wedding, my father-in-law went aboard for the States with the rest of his family.  My husband and I then stayed in Taiwan for six happiest marriage years until we had to come to the USA to live with my in-laws.

As I think back, my father-in-law must have been very sad that my husband did not leave with him.  To my astonishment, it was at this very moment when I recall, I suddenly got the whole picture and realized why he was so angry the night when our wedding banquet was over. 

It was because his heart was greatly aching that night.

But beyond my ability of understanding at that young age, I was just simply bemused, hurt and horrified.

To be honest, I would rather believe that my father-in-law did love me.

At least I felt his sincerity the day I first met him and the day before his sudden death.

My own father had been a rigid man and was very quiet ever since he got a stroke at the age of forty-eight.  That's why when I first met my father-in-law, I was so impressed with his being fun, humorous and kind that I literally at once loved him.

I used to kind of joke to my husband that, it was partially because of his father that I would marry him.   And until....

It was the night when our wedding banquet was just over.  A few friends followed our bridal car and were ready to have some fun time with us.  My husband carried me out of the car in excitement, and, when we saw my father-in-law sit right in the living room sofa with no smile, none of my friends dared to enter the house.

In panic, my husband and I awkwardly left all the friends alone outside.  We rushed into our room and quickly changed our evening attire, then without even cleaning my face, we came immediately to the living room, sitting with my parents-in-law and other relatives.

My father-in-law then suggested that we make some fresh melon juice, but my youngest sister-in-law, being her father's most favorite, didn't agree.

"Let's not do it tonight since it's so late and everyone is tired; I'll make some for you tomorrow." she said.  (She was the matron of honor for my wedding, appointed by my father-in-law)

My husband and I were sitting there smiling naively, hadn't known what to say or to do, all of a sudden, my father-in-law ragingly stood up, roaring in anger and shouting with wrath, he pushed over the chairs and almost overturned the table......I was so shocked and was all shaking in horror.

I had always believed that he was using my sister-in-law to show his authority and arbitrariness to me......he did blow up many times again later in my marriage, some of those even related to alcohol which were so incredibly hurtful that I just literally fell into a depression.  Those bad memories had bothered me like nightmares, and for a long, long time I was not able to let go of them.

But now I am so thankful to have eventually, with love and compassion, realized the reason why he was so raging that first night.
And only God knows, the reason I could ever figure all this out was simply because a few days prior to this, my God and my Lord, who, through an incident, showed His grace and His sovereignty to me.

(By Julia Chou)

Monday, November 5, 2012

娃娃初戀 Puppy Love


和丈夫交往的時候,我們已經過了二十; 我們很相愛,而且都以為可以彼此相守了。






I used to carry a heavy sense of inferiority toward myself since I was a very little girl.

My hubby and I were both at our twenties when I dated him.  We were in love, and thought we could be with each other forever.

One day, I struggled to feel a strong need of letting him know some of my weakness.  I remember I finally uttered, with shame, unease and honesty,  "I don't like my feet and my breasts."

I guess it was then his turn, for after pausing a few seconds, I heard him responding, with a tone of not much expression.

"Me too," he said, " I've got the Athlete's Foot, and also I ......well.....nothing."

It seems funny now, yet I am deeply saddened as I recall.

As a Christian, why should I be so preoccupied by my own appearance that I seldom took time to talk about faith, life, character or integrity to my beloved boyfriend?    

(By Julia Chou)