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She and her fiance |
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She and her parents |
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She and her wedding |
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She and her husband |
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Her mother and her "mother" |
許多人以為我深情,是因為我是在愛的環境中長大的緣故。其實恰好相反。從小,我眼巴巴望著我的哥哥弟弟們受母親之寵;婚後,又眼巴巴望著我的丈夫和他的兄弟姊妹們受婆婆之寵。 兩邊都沒我的份兒。一直以來不斷壓抑的委屈與不平,叫我幾度翻身不了那多年累積下來的苦恨。
然而,當恩典臨到、神的話語觸動我心,我立志不讓罪的咒詛與鎖鍊、一代一代地承傳下去 (出埃及記20:5)。
七年前,兒子婚約的聖壇上,我剛巧被安排在新娘身旁。當牧師為他倆禱告時,我情不自禁伸出右臂,輕擁著這位即將成為我媳婦兒的美麗新娘。就在那一刻,我以順服與愛,全然接納了她成為我兒子的骨中骨、肉中肉 (創世記二章23節) 。
在這節經文裏,主耶穌完全不是要我們恨自己的親人,祂乃是要我們察驗自己的「愛」。祂要我們透過操練,在靈裏面勝過 (或超越) 那些天然的、自私的、屬血氣的、邪惡的愛。
(此文節錄並改寫自拙文「正因為她不是我生的」,原載於2012 年7月份基督教號角月報我心我家欄)
One of my favorite
things when staying at my son's house is watching him be so loving to my
I am an affectionate
person and people often assume that I was brought up in an affectionate
home. However, I very seldom felt loved
by either my own parents or later by my in-laws. For much of my younger life, I felt
bitterness towards them. I struggled to
let go of feelings that I had been wronged.
Both my mother and
mother-in-law had similar hurtful memories from their parents-in-law. They were never able to overcome these
feelings and this bothered me, severely.
Prayerfully, grace came upon me and the Word of my Everlasting Father
touched my heart. I decided to break
free from the chains that the curse of sin had bound me in and end the cycle of
grievance for me and the generations to follow. (Exodus 20:5,6)
Seven years ago at my
son's wedding, I was arranged to stand by the bride at the altar. When the pastor started to pray for them, I
couldn't help but reach out and embrace the beautiful bride who was soon to
become my daughter-in-law. It was at
that moment that I completely accepted her as "bone of my son's bones and
flesh of my son's flesh." (Genesis 2:23)
Of course it takes great
affection to genuinely and consistently love a child which is not of blood
relations. It may not be as natural as
loving a child of your own, but through the discipline of trust and obedience,
the relationship will eventually shine like a diamond; more precious, more
valuable and more pleasing to the heart of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Jesus says in Luke
14:26, "Whoever comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and
children, brothers and sisters, yes, and even life itself, cannot be my
In this verse, Jesus is
not asking us to despise our life or our beloved ones; rather, His desire is for us to
examine our "love"; He wants our heart to overcome or surpass those fleshly, selfish, all evil kind of ways of love.
It is truly our Lord's
will for us to not be selfish or over-protective and to not abuse the
relationship of our very beloved ones. And ultimately, through the precious blood on the Cross, I know we can love even those who are not loveable or whom we are not able to love.
daughter-in-law is not a child of my own indeed, but she does have some parents who gave birth to her and will definatetly get hurt from how she is being treated by other people ; that is why I am asking God to grant me more love so
that I could treat her with more affection than even my own son.
Today is Abby's birthday
and I want to say, "have a great one, Daughter!"
By Julia
(Edited by Eric Chou)
P.S. This post is a brief
re-composition from one of my published articles which you can find in the July
2012 issue of Christian Herald Monthly
Mama, thank you for posting this. I am so blessed to have a mother-in-law who truly loves me as her own daughter. You and Baba are gifts from the Lord to me, and I'm so grateful to be part of your family. Ai ni men!
ReplyDeleteWe thank the Lord for having you, you are such a blessing to us, Baobei!
DeleteHey, guess what, upon your husband's request, I have recorded the audio file in Mandarin for today's post. Baba is now trying to find a way to put on the blog. :)
I'm so blessed to have a wonderful sister-in-law and a mom who is intentional about her relationship with her daughter-in-law. Happy birthday, Abby!
ReplyDeleteI love you so much, Baobei! Thank you for being so gracious and willing to share your Mama with your dearest sister-in-law. :)
DeleteI thank God and praise the Lord for both of you, Daughter and "Daughter"!
What a beautiful family! I am sure God is pleased and smiling! Have a great Thanksgiving! Hope to meet your daughters someday!
ReplyDeleteYes, that has been my hope for a long time!
DeleteAnd I just cannot wait for them to get to know you well someday, my dearest Cousin, their Aunt Athena! Love you!
A nice and thoughtful experience to shore , particularly with those who have daughter-in-laws. it definitely takes more effort to love a person who you know nothing about. With the guidance of Holy spirit, we can do it.
DeleteHi, Theresa, it is good to see you here! Thank you for your encouraging comment, and I so agree with you.
Keep in touch and God bless!
"兩邊都沒我的份兒" 是好血淋淋又真實的形容
ReplyDeleteAbby 命好好 我也想要
DeleteLillian, 我非常感動妳讀懂了我那一句沉痛的話,並且把它讀進了妳的心裏。
But the greatest Good News is that Jesus has won, and He loves me, and that is what really matters!
This comment has been removed by the author.
Delete傳道妳說 "我立志不讓罪的咒詛與鎖鍊、一代一代地承傳下去"
Delete妳不會覺得神不公平 犧牲了妳 讓妳經歷痛苦 只是為了成就其他人嗎?
DeleteMy dear Lillian,
我剛才給妳寫了滿滿的一個page,不知怎麼按到了什麼,完全失去了。 抱歉!
Delete對不起,我今天一早去爸媽家,到現在才有時間上網。 妳那兒已經是下午了,可能妳正在上班,我就慢慢寫吧,不用像昨晚那麼趕著完成、想要妳早點收到,反而忙中生亂、亂中生錯,失去了我寫了半天的好東西! :)
My dear Lillian, I am really impressed that you seem to be very interested in this article of mine which is in regard to the relation between me and my daughter-in-law. I am impressed because you are young and your are still single, and it does seem a little early for you to be so interested in this kind of subjects.
But yet, I do think it is very wise of you to start thinking and processing this kind of topics now before you ever get into this real relations in your life.
May God bless your mature and obedient heart!
Now, I will go back to our kind-of biblical and theological discussion concerning your question in regard to suffering, sacrificing and stuff.
In a matter of fact, I never felt or considered that being sweet and kind to my daughter-in-law a sacrifice. I so very enjoy loving her; loving her has become more and more natural to me over the last 8 years.
Of course I can also see how more and more naturally she has loved me over the years.
I praise God, O our Lord, our sweet Jesus!
I do have to admit and to announce that this love of mine had absolutely not started from my own natural flesh, but from the love of Christ.
......All right, my dear, so much for now.
I will write you more some other time to reach an even more completed answer for you.
And, please remember, you are always allowed to ask me more questions. :)
Hi, 小余,
Delete我剛才複印出這些comments, 看見妳的照片被放得好大,而且好美....
Delete我想,妳所說我經歷的犧牲和痛苦,應該是指我過去從公婆和父母那兒受到的苦。 所以,妳的意思是說,我受了那麼多的犧牲和痛苦,到頭來變成一個有愛心的人,只是為了來讓別人蒙福,會不會感到不服氣、會不會感到上帝不公平,是嗎? 我相信那才是妳要問我的問題。
首先,神賜恩典、讓我在祂的面前順服,我於是求神幫助我、除去內心的苦毒。 是的,我必須除去對上帝的埋怨和不服,否則我不可能有那份心意和那份能力去愛媳婦。
要成為一個甜蜜又充滿愛的婆婆,並不是用灰姑娘(Cinderella)的南瓜魔術一點即成。 我仍然須要繼續在基督裏操練; 靠著神的恩典、聖靈的能力,一點一滴慢慢成為我媳婦的最好婆婆。
第一,苦難的源頭,絕非上帝的心意; 苦難,本是來自人類自己的罪。
我這兩天會把 "功課" email 給妳
好期待跟妳聊天 ^_^
先去睡了 晚安
DeleteMy dear Lillian,
I look forward to chatting more with you, too.
I am so looking forward to reading "your written assignment" for me. :)
Love, and In Christ,
Pastor Chen