Wednesday, June 26, 2013

乾脆我自己生啦! I'll Just Do It By Myself Then!

My daughter at the National Youth Park in Taipei, Taiwan, 1978

I love you, Mama!


有一天,我問她,妳要媽媽給妳生個妹妹嗎? 她說好。 我又問她,生個弟弟可以嗎?她說,也可以。




When my daughter was barely three years old, she asked me to give her a baby sibling.

One day I tried to get an answer from her whether she would prefer a baby girl or a baby boy.

After being asked several times in a row, my little daughter replied,

"All right, Mama, stop asking me, " she said, " I'll just go ahead give birth to a baby by myself then!"


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