Sunday, May 26, 2013

沙漠中的月亮 Moon In The Desert

我的最棒的丈夫周偉俊攝於摩哈維沙漠,2013年 5月25日
By my most wonderful husband Thomas Chou at the Mojave Desert, May 25th, 2013


忽然,丈夫的手機響了; 是我們兒子。 父子倆談了一會兒之後,兒子請他父親把手機放到擴音喇叭,他要媽媽也加入他們的談話。


加完油,丈夫接手開車,一邊專心傾聽他妻兒倆停不下來的談心。  這一次我們母子倆談話的主題,聚焦在家人、親友、以及各樣的人際關係上。

我的兒子深愛他的父母、他妻子的父母、以及所有兩邊的家人; 說到動情處,兒子的聲音甚至稍稍哽咽起來。


「嘿!」 我望著車窗外那一輪美麗的大月亮,想趁機把話題轉個方向:「兒子啊,你知道今晚是滿月嗎? 月亮好大哦!」

「是嗎?」 兒子聽了也興奮起來,「我去院子看看!」


並且兩人話題一轉,轉到 2000 年、他高中快要畢業的那年.........

那一年,女兒已結婚、住在外州,丈夫也已離開他牧養了四年的第一個教會。  有一天晚飯後,兒子從側院清理完三條大狗的「遍地黃金」,回到屋裏,我們三人一時興起、竟開了一夜車到洛杉磯的迪斯奈樂園玩了幾天.....




我也記得黎明前我們在休息站打了個小盹兒。 晨曦微露,兒子醒了,說一聲爸爸早媽媽早,然後他從後座伸過頭來親吻我。


「我幹嘛親他?」十六歲的兒子調皮誇張地大叫起來:「我們兩個人又不是同行戀!」 ( 在美國出生的兒子,中文還是差一點; 他的意思是同「性」戀。)

啊,完全同樣的一個滿月夜晚,完全同樣的一段沙漠公路,忽忽然13 年過去。



「媽媽,我感到蠻 amazing 的,您和我,此刻相距1000 哩; 一個在沙漠的公路上、一個在深山的院子裏,但是,我們兩人此刻正在欣賞同一個月亮!」




As our car entered the border of California and Arizona, my husband and I went off to fill in some gas and we saw a huge, full golden moon at the edge of heaven.

Then my husband’s cell phone rang and it was our son.  After they talked for a while, my son asked his father to turn on his phone speaker, for he wanted me to join their conversation.

“Mama, we just came back from Abby’s parent’s house.  We had dinner with them tonight…. ”

After filling in the gas, my husband took his turn to drive while listening to the usually-never-ending- conversation between his wife and his son.  This time we focused on the theme of family relationships and I could feel his deep love toward each and every one for his own family and his wife's family.  I could even "see" the tears in his eyes.

My son is indeed an affectionate person!

“Hey!” I intended to divert the subject, “Son, do you know it is full moon tonight?  The moon is so huge tonight!”

“Oh, yeah? Let me go to the yard and see…..”

Then there went my son holding his cell phone in his yard and I holding my cell phone in our driving car…… and my heart went back to February 2000 when our son was about to graduate from his high school in 3 months.

Our daughter was then already married and lived in another state, my husband had already quit his first church ministry and was temporarily unemployed.  One night after dinner, my son finished cleaning his three dog’s droppings in the sideyard and we all of a sudden decided to drive at night to Disney Land to have some crazy fun…..

I remember my son saying that this might have been the craziest thing our family had ever done.

I remember my husband and my son taking turns driving all night and they did not let me drive at all.

“We are chauvinistic, so we don’t allow ladies to drive,” my son smiled at me, “ladies can only be permitted to watch the moon and enjoy herself.” 

I also remember that we stopped at one rest area to take a short nap.  When it was dawn, my son woke up and greeted good morning to me and to his father,  he then reached from his backseat to kiss on my forehead.

When being asked to kiss his dad as well, my son acted up and "screamed" that he and his dad were not gay.....

Oh, as the same full moon brightly and gracefully followed all our way in the same desert last night, I suddenly realized thirteen years has easily flied by.

Now, my husband and I were heading for New Mexico to visit our daughter and her family, then we are to visit our son and his family in Colorado.

Since our son worried about our driving safety and he so couldn’t wait to see us that he had called us several times….

“Mama, I think this is pretty amazing that, though you and I are 1000 miles apart, we are now watching the exactly same moon!”

Ha!  Doesn't this sound like a verse from a famous poet Su Dong-Po who lived a thousand years ago in the Song Dynasty?

We wish each other well
So as to share the beautiful moonlight, though 1000 miles apart…..


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