Monday, May 13, 2013

主領我何往必去 Wherever You Lead Me, Lord, I Will Go!


From left,  Elder Chan,  Elder Guo,  Mrs. Guo,  Rev. Seto, (Mrs. Seto was still serving and not finished with the English congregation),  me,  and my husband

愛筵後離開教會,貼心的丈夫帶我開車兜了一會兒。 啊,我深愛的海灣、我深愛的舊金山

After the heart-warming love feast at SFGCC, my loving husband took me for a ride
Yes, my beloved Bay, and the City behind......

我欲乘風歸去?Thinking of flying?


身後的紅瓦建築,是神學院的學生餐廳。 至於我所站立的這個路橋、特有紀念價值,是十九年前、咱們十一歲的兒子和我每天從已婚學生宿舍騎車到圖書館去「上學」的必經之道。

We changed our clothes and shoes at the Golden Gate Seminary (noticed my cool shoes? my husband has one pair as well)

This bridge that I stand on is very meaningful to me.  When I used to home-shcool my 11-year-old son 19 years ago while we lived in the Seminary, my son and I biked every day back and forth through this bridge to the School Library.

Quite a few memories here, including the beautiful oil painting that my daughter did for the school while later she and her husband became Seminary students here in 1998.  Now the painting is still nicely hanging on wall in the main building of the Seminary. 


Crossing over this bridge, climbing some more slopes, there will be Students Center, Classes, Buildings, the Library, the city of San Francisco afar, and the beautiful shimmering blue water in view.....




雖然是第一次在SFGCC講道,但主任牧師司徒國毅牧師和師母是丈夫和我早在十幾二十年前於田納西Nashville, TN 參加美加浸聯會年會時、就認識了(那時候丈夫正在ABQ牧養第一個教會)。

六年前,當丈夫正預備離開牧養了一年的三藩市真光浸信會(SFTLBC)時,欣逢年輕的司徒牧師和師母初上任SFGCC 的主任牧師。



昨日聚會完畢臨走前,司徒牧師向我們分享他對SFGCC 的托負與異象; 我們三人立談良久。



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