一早起來,收到一本免費的電子書《禱告的武器》,作者是19世紀美國內戰時的一位禱告勇士 E.M.Bounds.
稍讀一下,覺得這本書非常好,當即搜尋到一段對此人、以及他另一本成名作的英文推介; 讓我試譯成中文、分享給朋友們,並同時列出它的原文:
很少有基督徒能像Edward McKendree Bounds(1835-1913)那樣探測到禱告的深度;E.D.的服事影響了無以數計的牧者、宣教士、以及誠摯的基督徒,讓他們看見祈禱的必要。 E.D. 曾任牧於阿拉巴馬、田納西、密蘇里等州,並於美國內戰時,在前線擔任一名勇敢的同盟軍之軍牧。這位少見的領導者,兼具強大的寫作能力和一種不尋常的屬靈洞 察力; 他最有名的傑作是《禱告帶來的能力》。
Few Christians have plumbed the depths of prayer as deeply as Edward McKendree Bounds (1835-1913), whose ministry impacted countless pastors, missionaries, and earnest Christians to see the necessity of prayer. Bounds served a s a pastor in Alabama, Tennessee, and Missouri, and as a courageous chaplain on the front lines with the Confederate Army during the American Civil War. Best known for his devotional classic Power Through Prayer, Bounds was a rare leader who combined powerful writing with a gift of unusual spiritual insight.
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