Wednesday, July 24, 2013

等不及明早起床 Can't Wait Until The Morning

我親手種的草莓哦!  The strawberries are from my own garden.


曾經,我怕上床,也怕起床; 受不住上床後、久久無法入睡,也面對不了起床後、生命的支離破碎。

許多傷害的手爪、陰影環繞,許多霸凌的嘴臉、晝夜侵噬; 而我卻拼命努力、乞憐、渴望著他們的愛.....

曾經夜半醒來,我進入書房,一遍又一遍唱著自譜的「雖然無花果樹不發旺」......直到天亮。  誠然,「我的心等候主,勝於那守夜的等候天亮.....」

終於,我的神我的主介入; 祂至高的神權其實一直在我們中間,只是我看不見。 只是,過去我一直更在乎「人」怎樣對待我。




如今,我等不及上床,更等不及起床。 新的一天,新的生命; 我要高聲歡呼、並且宣告: 每早晨,祂的慈愛和憐憫都是新的!


My life wasn't used to be like this.

I was often being bothered by people who abused me and I never stopped hoping that they would one day love me, to an extent that I was not able to enjoy my life.

But my Lord my God had intervened and everything was changed.

Now, no more depression and no more self-pity.  I look forward only to seeing my Lord Jesus every morning.

By the power of His Spirit, I am even capable to face those abuses and bullies with love and compassion.

I now acclaim and I proclaim: His steadfast love and His mercy are new every morning!

Yes, even in this little bowl of cereal.......

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