Saturday, July 13, 2013

小小蜜月 We Are Having A Vacation

其實並不是渡假,而是今天下午開了三個小時的車,特為我明早應邀在Fresno的教會講道。 由於路途遙遠,教會體貼我當天來回太辛苦,因而特為我訂了前一天的旅館。

於是咱倆順便渡個小蜜月! 生平第一次來Fresno,挺興奮的。


Well, it's not really a vacation; it's actually a ministry trip. For I am invited to preach at a church in Fresno, and because of the three-hours-distance, the church has kindly reserved a room at Comfort Suites for me and my husband.

This is our first time visiting Fresno and it has been long since we last time stayed in such a nice hotel.

So, it is a vacation, and it feels like a honey moon.

Thank you, Lord!

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