Friday, July 12, 2013

好友重聚 Meeting With My Friend

昨天早上,禁食驗血; 完了之後,和將近一年不見的好朋友Cathy 一同去Coco’s 好好吃了一頓。

Cathy 是去年3月到9月之間、我在一家美國教會服事的一位長老; 六個月的相處,她和我成為整個教會裏最談得來的朋友。




PS. 昨天那位為我抽血的白人女子Laura 和我閒聊中、得知我是一個傳道人,她含淚要求我當即為她那位正在辦離婚手續的29歲女兒Sierra Brook 祈禱。 於是,化驗室裏,我立刻為她按手呼求; 啊,恩慈憐憫的主啊,懇求您介入、保護這些年輕人免遭惡者之攻擊…..

午餐時,Cathy 認為,我為Laura 祈禱的這件事,乃是神的命定安排。

After a blood draw fasting this morning, I went to Coco’s restaurant with my friend Cathy for a good lunch.

Cathy is an elder at the church that I served last year from March to September.  In six months she and I became best friends within the whole church.

Because of Jesus.

We shared a lot today and finally she said, “We are made in God’s image so that we can have a better relation with Him and better relation with each other.”


PS. Yesterday morning when the lady who worked in the laboratory for blood drawing heard that I am a minister, she immediately asked me with tears to now pray for her daughter who is in the process of filing a divorce.  I did immediately and prayed our God of Sovereignty to intervene and protect these young people from the harm of the Evil One……

At our lunch time, Cathy said that the incidence of my praying for Laura and Sierra Brook was a Divine Appointment.

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