- 至 於老六,咱們今天祝加州的姥爺 "爸爸節" 快樂吧! As for me and Number 6, let's say "Happy BaBa's Day" to Grandpa Lao Ye who is now in North California....
好不容易ㄅㄆㄇㄈ、ㄉㄊㄋㄌ.....把他們整得差不多之後,給他們一點時間在i Pad 上面玩兒Minion Rush.....
This week at my daughter's house, my grandchildren had asked me to secretly teach them Chinese while their parents were out for conferences.
Now, after hours of learning bo, po, mo, fo, de, te, ne, le.......they finally got to take a break and play Minion Rush on the iPad......
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