- 聚會完畢,兩人還是不忘就近去海邊逍遙一下。 神啊,懇求您留我丈夫在灣區,好讓我能在舊金山多服事幾年! 我必報答他: 將來,他不論想去哪裏、我必天涯海角跟隨他!
We again went for a date after the service, how beautiful it is for a husband and wife to stay together! O Lord my God, I pray that you will keep my husband in the Bay Area with me while I am serving at SFGCC! I will repay him, I will follow him wherever he desires to stay!
而 我,自從去年十月嚴重腳傷、坐在輪椅上家裏蹲之後,就一直深知、神必在我「末後的日子裏」、在我身上有一些計畫。 果真,從今年母親節那一天受邀去三藩市恩典基督教會講道,兩三個月以來,神一步一步地帶領我前行。 在丈夫的鼓勵與幫助之下,如今,我的就要開始嘗試為期三個月在SFGCC 的服事了。
我的丈夫一輩子辛苦工作、賺錢養家; 或許,真的該讓他歇息歇息了!
而 我,除了師大畢業後、馬上被分發在台北市永春國中(現在已改立為永春高中) 一連教了八年書之外, 這輩子一直在家中相夫教子,另外也打打收入極低、甚或完全義務的零工,包括專欄寫作、自由寫作、教英文、教中文、幫助丈夫在教會做心理輔導、婚姻輔導、親 子輔導、人際關係輔導,以及最後五年在CBI (Chinese Bible International) 勤奮辛苦的聖經翻譯工作等等......
所有那些工作,我都喜歡,但我知道那些都不是神對我的呼召。 在所有的那些工作上,我一直有一個盼望,盼望等有一天孩子大了、丈夫也有成就了,神會賜給我一個更適合我的、屬祂心意的服事。
It has been years that my husband plans for a retired life.....
As for me, ever since I severely injured my ankle last October, I knew in my prayers that God had other plans for me in my latter days. Then for the last few months, God did steps by steps show me and lead me into His clear will through San Francisco Grace Gospel Church since I first invited to preach there on Mother's Day this year. With my husband's encouragement and his support, I am going to start trying for 3 months serving at San Francisco Grace Christian Church.
My husband has been working hard for his whole life, maybe it's time for him to take it easy!
As for me, other than having taught in a middle school for 8 years in Taipei, and while being a house wife and homemaker in my whole life, all I did were low pay or no pay jobs including column writing, teaching ESL, teaching Mandarin, helping my husband at church as a counselor, mentor....and finally, I diligently worked as a Bible translator and editor for CBI for 5 years.....
Among all these services, I had kept a hope, I hoped when one day after my children grew up and after my husband achieved his goal, God will give me a more in-place ministry according to His will.
Now, as my husband is planning for a retirement while I am convinced to finish my uncompleted mission, is it really God's will for my husband to retire and my turn to support this family?
Oh how much I wish that God will grand me for at least 8 years to serve at His church in San Francisco so that I could make up for the guilt that I never did directly share the Gospel to my students during those 8 years teaching in Taiwan!
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