- 嬌嬌嫩嫩的95歲老人
Though 95 years old, my mom still looks young and tender

- 老爸的英文仍然寶刀未老; 說真的,他是我當年上初中之前的第一個英文老師呢!
My dad's English is almost as good; actually, he was my first English teacher before I even entered middle school.

- 來!來!來!趁著陽光美好,去後院照張相。 媽說,「照快一點! 妳爸的手壓在我膀子上,快要把我壓扁了!」 我只好忙著給倆老調整姿勢......
take some pictures in the backyard while the sunshine is beautiful!
Then my mom told me, "Hurry finish taking the pictures, your dad's arm
is going to crush me on my shoulder!" So, there I had to readjust their

- 阿梅,請妳幫我們照一張.....
I asked the maid to take a pictures for us....

- 讓我們脫了帽子,再照一張....不行了!妳爸的手,我受不了啦......好好好,媽,讓我來托著爸的手.....
take another pictures without our hat....O I can't handle it any more,
your dad's hand is crushing me......Okay, okay, okay, mom, I will lift
up dad's hand.....

- 我喜歡自己來給我們三人照.....哇,我爸媽的皺紋比我還少!
I enjoy taking pictures for ourselves....Wow, look at my parents, they have even fewer lines than I do!

- 好! 再給您倆老照一張.....
Okay, I will take one more of you two.....

- 我可不幹了! 我要去後面菜圃看我的韭菜了.....
No way, Jose! I am going to my garden and take a look at my Chinese chives now.......
正巧那天佣人剛給母親洗好澡出來; 老爸則早已端坐客廳,等著媽準備好,佣人要帶他倆去一趟銀行。
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