Monday, September 2, 2013

汽車旅館、蜜月小屋 Our Personal Honeymoon Cabin At Big Sur Coast

天色已晚,我們才開了一半,還有一個鐘頭.... It was getting dark, but we only got half way through, there was one more hour to go....
It was getting dark, but we had only got half way through, there was one more hour's driving before we could get to Big Sur....
進入森林中的第一站,客滿! River Inn was the first motel after entering the forst
River Inn was the first motel after entering the deep forest, and there was no vacancy!
旅店附設的餐廳也已打烊,但是餐館經理讓我們在那兒用電腦 Even the dining area was closed, but the manager nicely let us the computer there
Even the dining area was closed, but the manager nicely let us use the WiFi there
這就是咱倆的私人渡假旅館、蜜月小屋 This is our personal motel, our special honeymoon cabin
This is our very personal "motel", and very special honeymoon "cabin"
清晨醒來,我們才發現原來昨晚我們睡在一片高大的松林與一條美麗的清溪之間 Not until the next morning that we realized we had slept between a huge pine forest and a beautiful clear river
清晨醒來,我們才發現,原來昨晚我們睡在一片高大的紅木林與一條美麗的清溪之間 (哇!沒想到我的攝影技術還蠻不錯嘛!)
Not until the next morning that we realized we had slept between a huge redwood forest and a beautiful little river  (Wow, can't believe I had taken such a nice picture!)
在河濱旅店的餐廳吃了一頓豐盛的早餐,慶祝我倆結婚39年紀念 We had a wonderful breakfast in the morning to celebrate our 39th anniversary
We had a wonderful breakfast in the morning at River Inn Country Dining to celebrate our 39th anniversary
在我們身後的巨岩之間,就是有名的麥威瀑布 The famous McWay runs between the great rocks at the beach behind us
The famous McWay Falls which my husband had wanted to visit for many years runs between the two great rocks at the beach behind us

九月一日(昨天)傍晚出發; 兩小時之後,我們到了大南方海岸 (The Big Sur Coast)。

九 月八日是我們的 39週年結婚紀念;算來算去,惟有借用這次勞工節的假日來慶祝了。

當我們車子抵達River Inn Motel 的時候,旅店門口已掛上了客滿的牌子。 丈夫和我卻心中篤定; 其實,我們是有備而來,早就把枕頭、被褥都帶來了,打算省下這200元的旅館費用。 但是,接下來,我們必須做個決定,是立刻打道回府呢?(反正這兩個小時的海岸之行已經夠開心了) 還是今晚睡在車上? (這樣我們就可以明早走訪此地知名的麥威瀑布McWay Falls)





於 是,面對一片黑暗的紅木林,我們就在旅店門口、自己的車上、睡了一宿分文不用付的「蜜月小屋」。 第二天,一頓超美味早餐之後,我們歡歡喜喜地深入走訪與海岸峭壁對峙的McWay Falls,又半路上在Coast Cafe 喝杯檸檬冰茶休息休息; 此刻,我們又回到了河濱旅店門口的露天咖啡座,上網......

啊,和我丈夫在一起真好; 三十九年了,歐主啊,您的恩典太奇妙.......

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